The Ladder allows you to organize your book into different Sections. Sections are a great way to plan and manage your yearbook, and to collaborate with multiple designers on the yearbook staff.
Examples of different Sections can include Introduction, Sports, Clubs, Portraits, Academics, etc.
Here's how to add a New Section to your book.
1. On the Yearbook Ladder page click the New Section button to add a new section to your yearbook.
2. Enter the Section Name
3. Enter number of Pages for the section
4. Optional - check Due Date Color checkbox, and enter the due date
5. Select Color Code for the Yearbook Ladder
6. Choose a Theme for the section dropdown menu. If your prefer blank pages, choose None from the menu. The theme will be automatically applied to pages in your section, giving you a great head start on the design. Click here to refer to the Content Guide for a detailed overview of all available styles.
7. Click info for specific information from the designer about each theme.
8. If applicable check boxes to assign the section to any Staff users.
9. Click OK when you're finished configuring your new section. Repeat this process for each new section in your yearbook.
10. TIP: You can drag-and-drop the sections in the Section Name column to rearrange your yearbook. However, you will receive an alert if the change affects a section that is currently checked out by another user, or if it breaks spreads in another section.
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