How do I create an Index for my book?

The Index feature allows you to create an Index section in your book, that lists all students in alphabetical order along with the pages number(s) in which they appear. Student names are automatically added to the index for Portraits. For Candids you will need to tag the photos that you would like to appear in the index. Here's how to create an Index:

  1. First to tag your candid photos, go to the Photos page, then click on the Candids Select the folder of photos you’d like to work on.
  2. Click the Preview/Info icon at the top right of any candid photo. This will bring up the Preview/Info
  3. Under Indexing, begin to type the names of people appearing in the photo. The field will automatically populate with data from the portrait index file. Select the appropriate name(s) for each person in the photo, with one name per text field. Click Add more… to add more text fields if needed.
  4. Use the arrows to move to the next or previous photo and repeat this process for all candid photos that you want to be included in the Index. Close the dialog when finished.
  5. Once you’ve tagged the candid photos, you are ready to create your Index. On the Yearbook page, click New Section and type in Index for the Section Name (it's case-sensitive so make sure to use a capital I for Index). Under Pages be sure to include enough pages to fit your Index, noting that you can adjust the number of pages later as needed. Click OK to close the dialog and add the new section.
  6. Click the Edit icon to open the Index section in the editor.
  7. Next, click on the templates Choose the Index templates you want to use and drag them onto your pages. Note that you can change the templates at any time in the future.
  8. Click the Index Wizard button to launch the Index Wizard.
  9. In the Index Wizard, choose the Text point size for your Index entries, and click the checkbox if you’d like to Add headers for the letters of the alphabet. Then click Create /Update Index, and all your student name information will automatically be flowed into the Index.
  10. When the index has been successfully created you will get a message to confirm that the Index was completed and that all index information fit in the templates provided. You can make any adjustments and click Create/Update Index as needed to update the index with any changes.
  11. Important! Your Index will not update automatically with future changes. Make sure to return to the Index Wizard and click Create/Update Index to capture all final changes before submitting your book.

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