Lesson 1 - Getting Started

Welcome to the first video in Pixami's 2024-25 Yearbook Curriculum!

Hosted by Katie Moreno, founder of Organized Adviser, the Pixami Yearbook Curriculum contains a series of 10 video lessons, with accompanying worksheets, handouts and other materials!

This first lesson is designed to help both new and seasoned yearbook advisers navigate the complexities of yearbook production.

Katie shares her extensive experience and passion for yearbook design, providing an overview of the fundamentals, tips, tricks, and techniques for creating a better yearbook. Learn about project management, planning, and the importance of preparation to produce an exceptional yearbook and boost sales.


Related Lessons

Lesson 2 - Anatomy of a Yearbook

Lesson 1 Downloads

The Curriculum Overview provides a introduction to the breadth and scope of the Curriculum. 


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