Adding and editing Calendar Events

Yearbook Pro has a Calendar feature that allows Advisers and staff to keep track of important yearbook-related dates. These can include yearbook design deadlines, meetings, sales and marketing actions, and even school sports and academic events. In addition, Admins can create and manage dates related to sales, marketing and production.

Here is a step-by-step guide for adding and managing events on the calendar.


StepA Calendar.png

1. Navigate to the Calendar on the Activity Page.

2. Click Edit to open the Edit Calendar dialog.


StepB Calendar.png

3. Click New Event to add to the Calendar. The New Event dialog will appear.

4. To Edit an Event double-click on an Event in the Calendar and Skip to Step 10.


StepC Calendar.png

5. Type in the Name for your Event.

6. Select the Date for the Event. You can also type the Time into the Event Name field.

7. Choose a Color-Coded Event Type to help organize various types of Events.

8. Click OK to save Event and add it to the Calendar.

9. Click OK to exit Calendar and return to Activity Page.


StepD Calendar.png

Edit Event Dialog

Note: Your yearbook administrator can also enter and manage events in the calendar, allowing for close coordination with their schools. Admins cannot edit or delete Adviser events, and Advisers cannot edit or delete Admin events.

10. Change Event Name as needed in the Edit Event dialog.

11. Change Event Date as needed.

12. Check box next to This event has been completed to complete the Event.
The Event will still show in the calendar, with strikethrough text.

13. Change Event Type as needed.

14. Click OK to close Edit Event Dialog and save your changes.

15. Click Delete to delete the event. It will no longer appear in the calendar.



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