Common Questions & Answers
Search and browse questions and answers about your yearbook software.
General Questions
How do I enable Face Matching and Auto Tagging? [VIDEO]
Face Matching is disabled by default and can be enabled by an Adviser. This video step-by-step details how you can choose to activate Face Matching for your book. A Step-by-Step PDF is also available below. Want to know more about face Matching? Ch...
How do I create an Index? [VIDEO]
The Index feature allows you to create an Index section in your book, that lists all students and staff in alphabetical order along with the page number(s) in which they appear. Names are automatically added to the index for Portraits. For Candids you w...
How do I Reset my Password? [VIDEO]
This article guides you on how to reset your password, including locating the "Forgot Password" link.
What's New for the 2024-25 Season? [VIDEO]
Here's a list of features you'll see in the new Yearbook Pro for the 2024-25 Season. Feature and Name Changes. In support of our new school yearbook curriculum, new content, and the maturation of Pixami’s software to participate in the High School sp...
Adding and editing Calendar Events
Yearbook Pro has a Calendar feature that allows Advisers and staff to keep track of important yearbook-related dates. These can include yearbook design deadlines, meetings, sales and marketing actions, and even school sports and academic events. In addi...
How do I find my lost password?
The easiest way to retrieve your lost password is by clicking on the Forgot Password? link on the login page. You will receive an email with instructions to reset your password. If you don’t see the email, please check your SPAM folder. Click the link ...
Book Design
Copying your cover design across cover types
This article shows you how to copy a cover design between two cover types in the same book.This is for books that have two or thee cover types including: Hard Cover, Perfect Bound and Saddle Stitch.
Pixami Page Size Specifications
Page designs created in another software application such as InDesign, Canva, Photoshop, etc., can be imported into Pixami software as Candid images, and then placed on the page in the Editor. You can also use the Fill Page or Fill Spread features for a...
How to save page templates and apply to other pages.
This article shows you how to use My Templates to save page designs as Templates and apply those templates on other pages of your book.
Understanding the X,Y coordinates on the page Editor
What Do The X,Y Coordinates Represent? This step-by-step article explains the functions of the X,Y coordinates located on the lower right corner of your page spread in the Page Editor. 1. Select the frame of any element located on your page spread 2. H...
How do I add a special character to my text?
Some words and names require special characters, such as an accent marks or tilde. Here's how to add special characters in Pixami software. Adding Special Characters in Windows OS Step 1: Open the Run Command box by clicking the Windows + R keys ...
How do I add page numbers?
Page Numbers must be initially enabled in Pixami Administration, by an Admin. Please contact your yearbook provider and they will be able to assist you. An admin will be able to specify position of the page numbers (top inside, top center, top outside, ...
Yearbook Ladder
Splitting a Section on the Yearbook Ladder [VIDEO]
The article shows you how to use the Split Feature to split a section into two separate sections.
Organizing Pages in a Section [VIDEO]
This guide will show you how to use the Organize Pages feature to delete pages and rearrange pages within a section.
Modifying Sections on the Yearbook Ladder [VIDEO]
This article explains the Modify Section options: renaming, changing page count, assigning due dates, color codes, and assigning or unassigning Staff users.
Merging Sections on the Yearbook Ladder [VIDEO]
This video step-by-step demonstrates how to use the Merge Down feature to combine a section with the section below.
How do I assign a user to a section?
This article outlines the steps to assign users to specific sections of your yearbook.
How do I create a new section? [VIDEO]
The Ladder allows you to organize your book into different Sections. Sections are a great way to plan and manage your yearbook, and to collaborate with multiple designers on the yearbook staff. Examples of different Sections can include Introduction, Sp...
How to Flow Two Classes on a Single Page. [VIDEO]
This video will demo how to use the Portrait Wizard to flow two class portrait folders onto a single page. You will also be shown in the Editor how to add a header title for the second class.
How can I add a new student's portrait to a class that's already been imported? [VIDEO]
Students or Staff may join your school later in the year and need to be added into the yearbook. You have already imported the Portrait Index files and flowed Portraits onto pages. This article shows you how to add a Portrait without having to reimport ...
Why aren’t my portraits showing up after I uploaded them?
While you’re uploading your portraits using the Portrait Importer you will see a progress bar indicating the amount of time remaining, and a message when the upload is complete. If your portraits don’t appear in the software once the upload is complete ...
Can I add candid photos, text and art to my portrait pages?
Yes. Once you’ve laid out your portraits on the page (using the Portrait Wizard), you can use any of the available editing tools to embellish your pages. For example, you can drag art objects or candid photos onto the blank areas of a portrait page to f...
When I try to connect to Google Drive I see a blank screen and my images don’t load. How can I fix this?
The most common cause of issues connecting to Google Drive from the yearbook software is related to large, long-time Google Drive accounts, with lots of files, and multiple shared folders. Shared folders in particular may have permissions issues which c...
How do I use PhotoPost to collect candid photos for the yearbook?
Photo Post is a feature that allows you to obtain photos for your yearbook from your school community of students, parents, teachers and supporters. You will be able to review submitted photos and select any that you would like to use. To invite someone...
How do I get photos from my Google Drive account?
To retrieve photos from a Google Drive account for use in your yearbook, go to the Photos tab, then click on Google Drive. Follow the prompts to sign in to your Google account, and to allow Pixami to have access. Once complete, your Google Drive folders...
Why aren’t all of my photos showing up when I upload them?
The software supports RGB JPG files only, with a minimum size of 320 x 400 pixels. If your photos did not upload please make sure they are the appropriate size and file format.
Proofing and Printing
Understanding the Trim and Safe areas in the page Editor.
On the Editing page, the dark gray border around the book page represents the Trim area; any art that extend into this area will be trimmed off the page in production. Therefore, do not place any art (text, photos, art) in this area unless you want t...
How do I submit my finished yearbook for print?
You can submit your book for printing once all sections have been completed and then approved by an Adviser. On the yearbook ladder, click Mark Section Complete to submit each section for review. Next, an Adviser will need to click Mark Section Reviewed...
How can I generate a local Proof PDF of my book?
You can generate a low-resolution, watermarked PDF of your book at any time for the purpose of proofreading and review. To generate a proof, click the PDF Proof button on the yearbook ladder for any section. You will have the option to generate a PDF of...
Managing Users and Passwords
How do I delete a user from the software?
To delete a user from your site, go to the Users page, then click Settings for the user in question. Under the User Role menu, select None (Delete User), then click OK. The user will no longer be able to login to the site.
How can I turn off the content I don’t want to use in my book?
Advisers have complete control over the content that is available on the site, including styles, Backgrounds, Fonts, art and art. To configure which content is available, an Adviser can go to the Configure page, then click on the tab for the content to ...
How can I delete my background?
To delete the background from your page, open the page in the Editor, then click the Background button at the top right of the main toolbar. Scroll down to Clear Background to delete the current background.
How can I change the color of my background?
To change the color of background on your page, click the Background button at the top right of the main toolbar. Choose Colorize to open the Color Picker. Next, choose the new color for your background, and click OK. the background color will be updated.
How can I add my own custom background to my page?
You can create your own background design and then upload it as a Candid photo to use as a background. In the editor, locate your background photo on the Candids tab, then drag it to the page. Next, select the photo, and click the down arrow in the tool...
How can I add my own custom art to the site?
To add your own custom art to the site, go to the Photos page, then click on the Art tab. Click New Folder to create a new folder (with or without subfolders) for your art, then click Upload to upload your art to the currently selected folder. Art shoul...
Troubleshooting: How to use [Video]
This article explains how to use to check for internet outages and troubleshoot any issues you may be experiencing. Internet outages can cause problems when using software to build your book.Related Articles:Troubleshooting: How to use Dia...
Troubleshooting: How to use Diagnostics tool. [Video]
If you experience ongoing performance issues, they could be related to a particular computer or browser. Your support representative may ask you for your browser and operating system information to help troubleshoot. This article explains how to use the...
How to diagnose performance issues with the software.
Are you having issues with the software not behaving properly? Start here! Pixami Yearbook Pro requires a reliable high-speed Internet connection to work properly. If you’re having problems with the software running slowly or performing erratically, i...
Troubleshooting: How to clear browser cache.
Google Chrome Step 1: Open the settings — Launch Google Chrome, click the Chrome menu icon represented by three horizontal bars in the upper-right corner of the browser window, and click Settings near the bottom of the resulting drop-down menu. Afterwar...
Does the software support HEIC files from an Apple Device?
The answer is Yes. As of September 2023 you can upload HEIC files directly into Pixami software, and they will be converted automatically to a compatible format. See below for more detail. WHAT IS THE HEIC FILE FORMAT? HEIC is a proprietary file for...
YB Essentials
What’s the difference between YB Essentials and Yearbook Pro?
Pixami offers two yearbook design options. Yearbook Pro has full collaboration features that allow multiple users to work on the yearbook simultaneously. Design Wizards aid novice users, while advanced editing tools and a full content suite allow maxim...
Directory Pro
How do I create a membership Roster for my directory?
The Index feature allows you to create a Roster in your book that lists all members in alphabetical order along with the contact information you choose to add. Here's how to create an Index: On the Directory page, click New Section and type in Roster f...