Pixami Page Size Specifications

Page designs created in another software application such as InDesign, Canva, Photoshop, etc., can be imported into Pixami software as Candid images, and then placed on the page in the Editor.

You can also use the Fill Page or Fill Spread features for automatic placement.

Images should be exported form the third-party software as high resolution, RGB, 8-Bit, JPG files. CMYK files, layered files, and other formats will be rejected by the software.

8.5 x 11 Standard Book Size Specifications
Single Page design files should measure 2625 x 3375 pixels or (8.75 x 11.25 inches at 300 dpi).
Spread design files should measure
5175 x 3375 pixels or (17.25 x 11.25 inches at 300 dpi).
We recommend keeping 150 pixels (1/2 inch) margin on all 4 sides.

9 x 12 Book Size Specifications
Single Page design files should measure 2775 x 3675 pixels or (9.25 x 12.25 inches at 300 dpi).
Spreads design files should measure 
5475 x 3675 pixels or (18.25 x 12.25 inches at 300 dpi).
We recommend keeping 150 pixels (1/2 inch) margin on all 4 sides.



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